Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bradley's Future

Just a glimpse into what Bradley will be doing for the rest of his Naval career :-)



Sunday, November 6, 2011


Oh, hello bloggy world. I'm Lauren, nice to meet you...again. Slacker doesn't even begin to describe my lack of posts. Ooops...I'll do better. K, promise!

The past few months have been crazy busy for us. Why? I don't really know. Just life, I guess! Bradley works long days and leaves before 6 most days and I've been a busy little bee everyday as well. By the time night comes around, we cook dinner and plop down on the couch then argue over who has to get up first to start the shower/bedtime routine. Ha! It really is so sad that we are so tired everyday - but that's life, right!?

The first week of September we survived our first Tropical Storm! Luckily my parents were here so it was nice to have family here (plus, my mom was WITH me so she wasn't a ball of nerves back at home the whole time worrying that a tornado had sucked us up)! Oh, speaking of tornado's...one did touch down a few streets over from us one night. That was scary. It came out of nowhere so they didn't have time to warn before it hit. Sadly, several of those neighbors lost houses. We truly are blessed that we made it through 2 entire hurricane seasons and only experienced a tropical storm. Being right on the gulf coast is wonderful 9 months out of the year but the other 3 you're sitting on pins and needles the whole time!

Perdido Key Drive (aka ocean blvd) Completely washed over with sand. 

Once again, sand completely covered the roads.

The beach access right near our house. The entire parking lot was several inches deep in pure sand.

In October, we went pumpkin picking! There is the coolest little farm in Milton, FL where you can actually go out into the fields and pick your own pumpkins! We had so much fun!

Can you guess who did which pumpkin?! :-)

The Navy sent Bradley to Las Vegas (darn, right?!) last week so my mom came and stayed with me for a girls weekend! We had SO much fun! I can't even begin to describe to you how MUCH I needed that weekend. We shopped way too much, spent a little more than budgeted but I got some great deals! Can you say $210 pure leather boots for $13.03!!! Oh yes, this girl loves a good coupon! I loved having my mom here but I missed by boo soooo much. That boy puts the thump in my heart and the sunshine in my days. We can't wait to kiss and hug on each other after we've been away all day. Yep, we're that couple and I couldn't be more proud! :-)

My birthday was also last week. I.hate.my.birthday. Despise it...I wish it just went from November 1 straight to November 3 and completely skipped the 2nd each year! Well, I guess I should clarify. It's not the getting older part, or the cake eating part (!!!) that I hate, it's the attention. There's something about singing happy birthday and having to open presents in front of people that just makes my skin crawl. I hate Christmas for the exact same reason. I guess I'm just weird, but I just hate the awkward "everyone look at me while I take 20 whole seconds to open this gift while everyone just stares and waits for my reaction".


My hubby went above and beyond this year. I tell you, that man is just the BEST in whole wide world. I can't say enough good things about that boy. He is absolutely perfect for me. God really placed us together! We were just talking this morning while laying in bed about how perfectly our arms just wrap around each other. It's almost like we're two puzzle pieces and when we hug and hold each other, there is absolutely not one thing missing. Our arms are just perfectly proportioned to each others bodies. If that doesn't prove that God put us together, I don't know what does!

I came home on the 2nd and the hubs had dinner on the table! He grilled steaks, made baked potatoes and a salad! If you know Bradley, you know this is huge! He also had flowers on the table (he arranged them himself) and a cake! This all knocked my socks completely off. I wasn't even expecting this so I was in shock! Of course, the spectacular husband that he is, also visited a little store called Tiffany's while in Las Vegas!

lksdjflksdjf;sdjf;skdjfksdjfksjdfksjdfkjsdfjsdkfjsdjf (That is me freaking out!)

I almost hyperventilated!

My favorite colors!


Please excuse my appearance in the next few pictures..It was obviously really late at night after a really long day :-)

I was starting to cry...

 A little background on the necklace:

Since the first time we said "I love you", we have always had a little competition between the two of us as to who loved each other more. We've always tried to beat each other at who could say "I love you more times infinity" first. When we got married, I ultimately won by having that engraved into his wedding band. Since he didn't have my band do that and I never take it off, he wasn't able to ever have mine engraved. Instead, he bought me this necklace with the infinity sign as his way of 'winning'. I must say, though...Tiffany's might does beat out what I did in his wedding band. I guess it's time for me to start planning something to beat this ;-)

That sweet boy of mine, with icing in his teeth!

My family truly made me feel extra special this year for my birthday! I can't even begin to describe the amount of love I felt from everyone. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

And I will leave with a few pictures of our 'niece'...the sweetest little girl on the planet! She sure has stole our hearts!

The sweetest strawberry in the patch!

Love, Peace & Chicken Grease,