Sunday, June 24, 2012

A surprise for my mom :-)

Right after my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer, Bradley mentioned that we should find a Relay for Life close by. We researched it and found out that the local one here was just a couple days after her 2nd treatment so it was perfect timing for a surprise for her! I did really good and didn't mention it one time to her although I almost slipped up a few times. So she is just now realizing what we were up to last night, and I was so vague yesterday when she kept asking what we were going to do last night. :-)

We created a team in her honor and some of Bradley's class either walked or donated in her honor as well. We originally thought it was just going to be the two of us, but Bradley mentioned it to his class and several were excited to participate as well!

We also purchased two luminaries - one in honor of my mom and one in memory of my grandma. The Anacortes Relay for Life raised over $120,000!!

Mom's luminary

Mom's luminary

Grandma's luminary
Grandma's luminary

It was freezing!

Bradley in front of the hope luminaries

Hope! end cancer forever!!

We love you, Mom!!!