Sunday, November 14, 2010

I've got the "Blues"...

I can't even begin to express how much I LOVE 4 day weekends! For real, 4 whole days with my wonderful hubby doing nothing but hanging out on base with the Blue Angels! Hello....awesome! Well, maybe a little more awesome for B...I don't really 'get' planes. Anyways, this weekend was the homecoming show for the Blues...they came home for their last show of the season. Exciting for us to see the show but kinda bittersweet to know that it's going to be several months before we have them buzzing over our house again. We had a blast at the show!

I've also got a new project I'm working on that I'm really excited about! I'm wanting to start my own cake/cupcake/cookie business!! This week is hopefully going to be my first 'trial' so I will be sure to post some pictures! Here's to hoping to success!!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad we missed you at the air show! It really was so beautiful to see them fly at night. And that semi words to describe that. I'm glad to see you start a blog! Looks cute!
