Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bradley's Birthday!

Welp, he's another year older! I really hate my birthday and really don't look forward to it every year. Not cause of the gettin' older business, I just don't care. But now Bradley's....well, that's another story! I must make his great, fabulous, SPOIL HIM! :-) I have wanted my grandparents to come visit us for a while now but just couldn't get it to work out. My mom finally had a weekend where she could come and bring them, and it just happened to be Bradley's birthday weekend! He loves my grandparents (of course, how couldn't you?!) so he was really excited.

My grandpa is a Air Force Veteran and was in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He was stationed in Mobile, AL (about an hour from here) when he was in service and really wanted to go back and see what had changed. The old air field he was stationed at is now the 'Mobile Downtown' airport so it's pretty impossible for him to go back and see it. So, ding-ding-ding...I had an idea! Bradley LOVES to fly civilian (probably more than military with his current situation) so I wanted to get him in the air for his birthday. So he took my grandpa up, all over Pensacola, and over the old Brookley Air Force base so he could see it. Let me tell you, they had a BALL! I have never seen Bradley OR my grandpa smile so much!! It was a wonderful experience for my grandpa and was awesome for Bradley to be able to give that to him!! They were both grinning ear to ear, not sure if you could tell just exactly who's birthday it was!!
Saturday night we went out to eat for B's birthday and it was amazing!!!! Right on the beach..perfect weather! Man, I love living here!!! We had the coolest waiter and of course to embarrass the snot out of my husband, I told him it was his birthday. They 'free cake' sounded disgusting and told him not to worry about it because he wouldn't touch it. They did have this really $$ chocolate heart-attack cake on the menu but of course they couldn't do that one, or so I THOUGHT! I had no idea but here comes the waiters/waitresses with the manager approved :-) HUGE cake! It was awesome. Bradley usually would have been ready to murder me but when he saw the cake I think he was just in awe, I know I was!
The rest of the weekend was really just spent chilling out with them and enjoying every minute! I of course love it when my mom comes but I am so grateful that my grandparents got to come visit! My step-grandmother had never been to the Gulf, or Florida and she was blown away. She kept telling us that we live in the most beautiful place in the whole entire world....and I agree....
And lastly, his awesome birthday cake!
Aaaaaaaaaand a picture of me and mom from the weekend. She somehow always seem to sneak out of pictures...she's pretty awesome at that. :-)

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