Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thanksgiving - Florida Style

This year, we celebrated Thanksgiving at home in Florida again. It's crazy how little time they give off for Thanksgiving! It just doesn't provide enough time to drive all the way home just for a meal to turn around and drive back. Last year, my parents, brother and sister-in-law made the drive down here to have Thanksgiving with us, but this year we decided to just keep it low key. Our neighbors did not go home either, so we decided to cut the work load in half and just do a big Thanksgiving meal together. I did miss my family, but it was easier on everyone by no one having to travel, etc. Sadly, I didn't really take a single picture that had anything to do with the actual meal...only Millie! Millie is our neighbors little girl who we are absolutely head-over-heels for. We've been here since the day she was born, so it's nice to be able to be some family to her that she wouldn't have since they are military as well and don't get the opportunity to see family that often. Ironically we are all from the same area in South Carolina so they have felt like family to us since the day we met them. They are just precious, and we are so blessed that we have gotten to become such good friends with them.

Frying out creole butter infused turkey...holy cow it was good!!

Mommy, Millie and baby #2

"Uncle" Bradley makes her laugh every.single.time

"Bra" she calls him ;-)

Little diva!

Just hanging out...learning the ins and outs!

I'm (obviously) just a little late but I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! B and I had SO much to be thankful for this past year!

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