Monday, April 4, 2011

On A Whimmmmmm!

Imagine this...typical thursday night, cooking dinner, waiting on American Idol to come on....same ol' same ol'. Bradley looks at his schedule for this weekend...NOTHING. No watch, duty, flights...nodda. Very weird seeing as how I feel like I rarely see him half the time. I was ecstatic! Three whole days with no "Navy"! We are some pretty serious homebodies and are perfectly content sitting on the couch all weekend and doing laundry. Haha. BUT, we decided to eat supper, pack and head to New Orleans for the weekend. I got on Priceline, put in a 'name your own price' 4-star hotel for $90 and I got it! I've never been so I was really excited. We left Friday morning and got there around 1. It's only a little over 3 hours from here so it wasn't bad. Checked into our hotel and off we went to see the sights. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed. It was very dirty, smelled something terrible, had really weird people and boobies everywhere, and PIEGONS! Holy cow..they were everywhere. New Orleans is one of those places you need to visit if you've never been, but it wasn't as nice as I expected. I guess I got spoiled with Bradley being in Annapolis, MD for 4 years then us living there because I was expecting something a little more like that. But regardless. Friday we did all of Bourbon Street, Cafe Du Monde (Beignets are amazing!), the Cathedral and river walk area, the outdoor open market, ate at an awesome cajun resturant, headed down Canal Street then back to our hotel because all the creepies started to come out by then. We crashed pretty early that night.

Saturday we had made reservations for the famous brunch at The Court of Two Sisters...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Probably both of our favorite part of the weekend. We were stuffed so we walked a little of it off then headed to Harrah's Casino! We have never gambled before, but what the heck?! We decided we weren't going to spend over $20 in there (I know, disgraceful to those who gamble). We didn't win anything but it was definitely an experience I will never forget! We really couldn't find anything else we wanted to do there so we decided to come back home early. (I told you, we're homebodies!)

All in all, it was a great trip and a much needed getaway. The Navy has Bradley gone the majority of the time, and if he is here, he's studying. So it was a nice break! And as always, more pictures are on Facebook!

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