Friday, April 15, 2011

All you need is love!

I love my husband. No, I really love my husband. More than I could ever write to express it to you. I told him the other night that I feel like I could run my legs off, screaming it at the top of my lungs and yell it off a mountain and it still wouldn't truly express how much!! Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't even care. And the great thing is, I get it all in return! It's not just one sided here people!

We were laying on our bed the other night and I asked him what his all time favorite memory of us was. His was the first time he saw me after Plebe Summer (boot camp). I had flown up for Labor Day, in the middle of a hurricane (I'm not kidding!), and the weather was horrible- rain, extreme wind, flooding. He had escaped the academy managed to get free that night and meet me at the baseball field. All I remember is pulling up, seeing him standing inside the lobby, me jumping out of the car before my mom had stopped and walking as fast as I could to get in there. It was weird, like some out of body experience. I was in such a rush to get in there but the moment I stepped foot inside, I just froze...starring at him. He was so handsome in his uniform. He had left me at the end of June a boy, and stood before me then (2 months later) as a man. I think I was just in awe of him. The moment I laid eyes on him, my world was complete again, and he felt the same way. We both knew in that one instant, that if we would get through that, which we did, there wasn't anything that was going to come against us. I can understand why that is his favorite moment, because it was pretty magical!

My favorite moment was the first time I laid eyes on him. We had met on Myspace (don't judge!) and it was a blind date. We were meeting at the movies, and I remember sitting in my car so anxious I thought I was going to explode. I saw this terribly ugly truck pull up and I remember telling myself, "Oh dear Lord, PLEASE don't let that be him." Well, it was. Luckily the truck wasn't anything like him. :-) I was sitting in my car, my cell rang- it was him saying "I'm here." I hung up, watched him get out and my heart just sank. I somehow knew in that one instant that 'this was it!' I couldn't take my eyes off him. He walked towards me, said 'hi' and the rest is history. I always thought I was crazy thinking that I just 'knew' so quickly. But he felt the same thing. We both knew right then that we would never have a first date ever, ever again. I never thought in a million years that I would have found 'the one' as a junior in high school, but I guess you just never know what the big man upstairs is planning!

Five and a half years later, and 10 months of marriage and we're still as strong as we were at our best moments together. We have the absolute best marriage. We laugh 24/7, are constantly picking at each other, we probably say 'I love you' a thousand times a day, but the best part is knowing that I never have to worry about anything. He's always going to be there, and I am always going to be there for him. We're best friends.

I am just so proud of my husband. Not just for what he has become but for who he is. He is an amazing Christian man, an incredibly loving husband, he's devoted, he's funny, and he's very humble. I just can't even think of enough adjectives to describe him! I'm just unbelievably, undeniably, utterly BLESSED beyond measure.  

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