Monday, May 16, 2011

When it rains, it pours

I am officially a military wife. Yes, I have been one for a year now (well, two weeks shy of a year!), but I wasn't officially one. It isn't until your husband is deployed/TADing/away, etc. and the WORLD falls apart without him there..THEN it's official.

Yup, pretty much sums up last week for me! Bradley went to California for a few days for some training, and the craziest, most unexpected, oddest things started happening. There's not much he can do to help, so you've got to go into super woman mode and figure it out yourself! After the first incident, I was frustrated, but after the second and third, I just started laughing.

I was sooo ready for him to get back home. Of course, most of the issues had been fixed/subsided once he got home but I missed him so much!! When I was sitting at the airport waiting on him, I had this huge wave of accomplishment come over me. I had done it. It wasn't easy, it was beyond terrible, but I made it. And trust me, I got rewarded for it! :-) (Did I just say that? Yep! It's my blog, I can say what I want!)

We really are pathetic, though. Four days apart and it feels like 4 years.  We've been attached at the hip since he got back, but neither of us are complaining! I am so blessed to be in a marriage where God is always first, my husband loves me as much as I love him (even though we argue about this at least a couple hours everyday..but just for the record, I love him more!), we are each others bestfriends, we're soulmates and we are questions!

We are NOT looking forward to the next time he leaves (who does?!) but it has to be done. At least next time he goes away, it really can't be too much worse than it was this time. Lord help me if it is!!

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