Saturday, June 11, 2011

One year Anniversary!

I can't believe we already celebrated our one year anniversary! This has been an amazing first year, and it has flown by! I can't imagine having anyone else by my side for the rest of my life. I've blogged about it before but I am slightly obsessed in love with my husband. Our love runs so deep, I just can't imagine that there is any way possible for me to love him any more than I already do- but somehow every day that passes, I somehow do. He is so intelligent, caring, loving, supportive and passionate person I have ever met.

Our wedding was amazing. I can't imagine changing anything or anyway it could have been better. It had 'us' written alllll over it! I'm feeling nostalgic....shall we....

June 5th is my most favorite day! We won't reminisce on the honeymoon...ahem...I'll save you those details! Although, that was my favorite part! ;-)

Anyways, so onto the actual anniversary seeing as that is what this whole thing is supposed to be about! The actual anniversary was on Sunday but we celebrated Saturday. We went to this aaaaa-mazing restaurant in P-cola beach! I can't wait to go back there! It was yummy! We just ate, came back and watched our wedding video, then on Sunday, Bradley made breakfast, had leftovers for dinner and ate our cake! Romantic?! Haha! So typical of us home bodies! We knew the cake topper wouldn't make it through 2 moves, so we just went ahead and decided to serve it at our wedding. My parents surprised us, though, and had a fresh one made and brought it to us when they visited 2 weeks ago! I love my parents! It was sooo good, too! We ate the whole thing.
I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us! We are already staring another move right in the face...can't wait to see where we go! I hope we have 100 more years together, just like this perfect first one!

1 comment:

  1. congrats. june 5th is my second favorite day (my birthday) and june 12th is my favorite (anniversary) its amazing to make it through this first year. i'm so happy for you girl
